Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dieter's Log: Day 32 - Over One Month Already!!!

Yesterday, marked the start of Phase III of our diet. We can now have whole wheat bread, english muffins-which I'm super excited about, and whole wheat pasta. We can also have turkey sausage, and increase our regular meat portions to 5oz/serving. And we can have desserts, even though it had to be only 2-4 oreo-sized cookies, 2 whole graham crackers (2 rectangles), or...are you ready? scoop of low fat ice cream!!!! Okay, so it's the little things that keep me going!I can't believe it's already been a month. We weighed in yesterday and I lost another 2.6lbs for a total of 15.6lbs. Derek lost another 4.4lbs, bringing his total to 20.8lbs. It's freakin' amazing! I was worried about gaining weight since we went to GF and Fargo this last weekend, but we kept ourselves (and Kevin) in check for the most part. Doug supported us, but wasn't willing to order salad with us. Our cheats consisted of croutons on our salad and tortilla chips with salsa! I know, it's so exciting?! We didn't eat any cheeseburgers or chili cheese fries. At this point, I worry that I would get sick from greasy fast food since I haven't had it for so long.The weekend was a little off, though. April couldn't come cuz she had to work and Karissa got sick on Friday so she decided to stay home. Then Doug didn't feel "right," he said it was because of too much caffeine. Then after we ate lunch on Saturday, I got an upset stomach. So da' boys dropped me off at the hotel and the went antiquing. Doug found a semi-hallow bass that Derek bought himself for his birthday...Which is March 6th(too bad we can't drink, or we'd need to party). We finally got to the concert-it didn't start until 10pm, but it was totally worth it. I really wish April and Karissa could have been there. I tried posting pics and videos last night, but it got too late, so I'll finish it tonight. I was kinda pissed, cuz my pics didn't turn out the greatest. Since it's new I don't know all the settings, so I was messin' with them during the show. So some turned out and others didn't. I was going back and forth between using a flash, which made it to bright and using the natural light, which gave everything a red glow but those are kinda cool.I'll post my pics tonight. Be sure to come back and check them out. Ta Ta

Waiting for the show to start....

Could we be Groupies?!?!

Me and John Bates....I look so cute!

Derek with sCare-oline and the Voodoo Dolls...He's such a man whore!

This was the 2nd band to perform. Their name?...."The Cass County Uglies"
3 out of 4 weren't so "ugly" but they sounded horrible! The lead singer just yelled the whole time.

Big John Bates Band Pics

John Bates

sCare-oline on Stand Up Bass....havin' a seat!

Doin' a little belly dancin'

Voodoo Dolls Pics

VooDoo Dolls Video # 1

The girls stripped each other of their clothes and then played with fire.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

VooDoo Dolls Video # 2

They brought this guy up from the audience and the Nurse Voodoo Dolls gave him some "medicine" to make him better....AKA...Yag! And then they got naked....almost!

Yes, those are fire lit pasties!! Oh My! :-0

John Bates played thru the crowd and brought back shot of Yag for the band...All while still rockin' out!

sCare-oline jammin' while John was in the crowd

Still jammin'!

Takin' a shot of Yag....WHILE playing! Amazing!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dieter's Log: Day 24 - YES!!!

So I weighed in this morning and I've lost another 3 pounds. Yeah for me!! I've been working harder on the treadmill this week...I'm speed walking so fast that I'm almost jogging. I might try jogging today, unless the treadclimber is open, then I'll try that. Derek only lost 2 pounds this week, so he seemed a little bummed this morning. But it's a loss and not a gain. So, our totals so far, you ask? Me: 13lbs, Derek: 15.4lbs - IN JUST 24 DAYS!!! That's so insane. On Monday when we went to work out I was changing in the bathroom and I had undid my belt and pulled my pants down (no sick thoughts anyone)....afterward realizing that I had done so without unbuttoning or unzipping them!! I was so amazed that I had to do it 2 or 3 more times! I'm a dork, I know, leave me be! :)

This weekend we are going to go to Fargo to see a band that is playing at a bar called The Aquarium. The show is called "Big John Bates and the VooDoo Dolls." They are a swing band and burlesque show, with girls in tiny outfits and twirling fire lit batons.....oooohhhhh, I know. The tickets are only $10, but we got ours online so there was a little surcharge. I'm excited though. We are gonna go with Doug and Karissa. April has to work, but maybe Kevin will go; don't know yet.

Well, I better get to getting...I am at work after all.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dieter's Log: Day 19 - and - My Valentine's Day Cheat

So the diet is going good. I have found that low fat or fat free stuff isn't so bad. Tonight we made tacos with ground turkey and low sodium taco seasoning-you couldn't even tell the difference. We also had fat free refried beans (which I would eat plain or with lunch-pretty good), fat free cheddar cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, black olives, Pace taco sauce (made only with veggies and minimal sodium), and we used corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas. In Phase 3, we could use whole wheat tortillas, but we can't have bread until then. We also concocked Spanish Rice using leftover cooked brown rice, a jar of salsa, corn, and some chili powder and taco seasoning. It turned out pretty good.
Derek just got done making our evening snack...are you ready for this?...."Mock Wendy's Frosty" I know, right?! Is it really possible to compare a Wendy's Frosty with a low fat, low calorie substitute?! Simply stated...yep! All that's in it is some fat free/sugar free chocolate pudding mix, a little low fat or skim milk, vanilla extract, and ice cubes. It's pretty amazing, let me tell you....April here's your chocolate fix that you can have in 8 more days. Hope your first day went well.
On to Valentine's Day. We didn't go anywhere fancy. I wanted to go to the Ranch, but we went to Derek's grandma's instead. She cooked a sirloin steak for me, a buffalo steak for Derek, and we had grilled asparagus and salad. Our cheats: Derek had a small crab leg-gross, and I had a small peice of french bread. It was good, but I wish I could have had more.
Oh well, in another month or so we'll be able to eat a somewhat normal meal every now and then.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dieter's Log: Day 17

Just a quick update, since I'm at work...
I lost 3 more pounds this last week. 10 lbs total so far. I was hoping for a little bit more, so I'm kinda bummed about that. But I'm still going to be positive about least I didn't gain any.
Derek lost 4.4 lbs, bringing his total loss to 13.4lbs.
Gotta go, later.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dieter's Log: Day 14

Did anyone catch the star trek theme with the titles? Ya know, like "Captian's Log: Day --" in that famous William Shatner voice....and then he tries to work you over on getting a good deal on a hotel room for his friends?! He's not even talking to talk to you, he's just in it to help out his buddies! HOW RUDE!!
Anyway, we're on Day 14. We've been working out 5 days a week. We took today off. Lately our off days have been Wednesday and Saturday. So we'll be back at it tomorrow. I prefer the treadmill. I'm up to 3.5mph for 35 minutes. I usually walk a little over 2 miles and burn over 300 calories. I know you're all very empressed. But Derek always exceeds my numbers. He does the eliptical for the full 35 minutes-which is absolutely insane, I can't even do that thing for more than 10 minutes. He does almost 3 miles and burns like 400+ calories. Lame, I know.
Our weigh in days are now Wednesdays and it sucks cuz I really want to weigh myself now. I'm enjoying eating meat again but it sucks that I can't have what I would normally cook with it. No potatoes. No bread. We've gone thru 2 boxes of brown rice in the last 4 days. Last night I made a steak-broccoli-teriyaki-stirfry and tonight I made a mexican-hamburger-rice-corn-dish. I just kinda throw stuff together until it tastes good. Sometimes I'm lucky, other's I'm not. I usually make about 4 servings at supper time so we have leftovers to eat at lunch. All our snacks still consists of fruit and veggies, but now we've started eating rice cakes and graham crackers...exciting, I know. Tonight for our evening snack Derek made "ice cream." All you do is blend a frozen banana with 1 tablespoon of milk and you've got banana "ice cream." I had him add frozen strawberries and that made it better. We just have to be more creative with what we have.
Well, that's all for now. Besides the fact that it's almost -50 degrees outside and I have to be at work by 6:30am tomorrow. At least I don't have to worry about my car starting!!!! :-)
Catch ya on the flip side!! Peace Out!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dieter's Log: Day 11

So on Wednesday morning (Day 10), we weighed and measured ourselves. In only 9 days, I lost 7.0 lbs and Derek lost 9.2 lbs. I think we did pretty good. I was a little bummed that I didn't lose more, but I am PMS-ing (for those of you who wanted to know) and that can add 2 lbs on from the bloating. So that's my excuse anyway. We each lost about an 1/2 - 1 inch on our chest, thighs, arms, and our pants lines. Our natural waist, which is about 1 inch below your belly button, dropped too. Derek lost 1.5 inches and I lost 1.0 inches. We've been working out 5 days a week and I think that had helped the most.
Starting on Wednesday, we get to eat meat. For lunch yesterday we had chicken salads at Applebee's. We went to GF to get stuff for the garage. Turned out to be a not-so-good day and we ended up not getting home until almost 8:30pm. And being that it was too late to have eat a meat-rice-veggie meal, we used our leftovers and made chili egg white omlettes with cheese and black olives. It was pretty good. Today for lunch (since I'm not working) I made hamburgers on our new Goerge Forman Grill. Since we can't have buns yet, we wrapped in leaf lettuce with tomatoes, mustard, and ketchup. It's actually better than you think it'd be. Tonight I'm gonna make a Southwest Chicken Skillet meal with salsa, cheese, and brown rice. Should be pretty good. We'll see, I guess.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dieter's Log: Day 7

That's right...I'm on a diet. Actually, Derek and I are both dieting. On Jan. 28th we started the "Fat Smash Diet" by Dr. Ian Smith from Celebrity Fit Club. Here's a summary from the website

Diet Summary
Phase I - Detox - This phase lasts 9 days. In this phase you will eat mostly fruits and vegetables, but you are also allowed to eat egg whites, brown rice, oatmeal, and yogurt. You can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you like, just stop when you are full. The idea is to cleanse your body so you will need to eliminate things like alcohol , caffeine, and artificial sweeteners.
Phase II - Foundation - This phase lasts 3 weeks. In this phase you eat the same foods as phase I, plus you can reintroduce foods like cold cereal, artificial sweeteners, and small portions of lean meats.
Phase III - Construction - This phase lasts 4 weeks. In this phase you eat the same foods as phase I & II except you will reintroduce whole wheat pasta and bread.
Phase IV - The Temple - This phase is for life. In this phase you eat the same foods as phase I,II, & III. In addition to those foods, you can eat some white starches (ie. white rice, potatoes) as well as have a couple of glasses of wine or beer each week.

On top of this, we have to exercise 5 times a week so we joined Anytime Fitness here in DL. We also have to eat 4-5 meals per day. It's all about scheduling your body so it knows when it's getting fed so it doesnt' get hungry too often.

We are actually doing pretty good now. If you would have asked me on Day 2 or 3 I would have told you to go to hell. And get me some meat on the way. But by Day 4 my hunger pangs were somewhat subsided. I think I've eaten enough beans and lettuce to fill a garbage can. Or at least it feels that way. The website has lots of recipes for snacks and I spent 4 hours straight baking yesterday at Derek's mom's house. I really wish I had my own house...with a oven. This would be so much easier then. Especially if I also had adiquate freezer and fridge space.

We aren't allowed to weigh ourselves until Day 10 which is Wednesday. I'm getting kinda excited cuz I think I can feel a little bit of a difference. I just hope it isn't a pitiful loss. I'll let you know on Wednesday. The day I can also eat MEAT!! I can't decide if I'm gonna have steak or chicken?!


Love for the Birthday Boy!

April and our friend Jess Strong-she was Doug's surprise birthday present

Doug and Jess

I'm gonna getcha!!

Love for April...This is the only picture we got of Kevin?! Maybe you'll need to be more exciting next time, Kevin?!

Child's Play






Chipper got in on the fun too!!


I love the ladies!!

Thanks, Lonnie and Sheila, for a great night!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Having Fun...Maybe Too Much Fun!!

Got your boobs!!

"I have stings for a mustache...Gimme some candy!!"

You know Derek's REALLY excited when his eyebrows are above his glasses! Love ya, Dear!

Karissa trying to put ice down Doug's shirt...She's just mad cuz she wants a GIANT CLIT!! "Freshens your breath it does!!"

Doug ending the night with a body slam on Karissa but mostly April...who you cannot see.