Sunday, December 21, 2008

Still here....

So it's been quite a while, huh?!?! I've been pretty busy with all kinds of things over the last month.

My brother's funeral went a well as a funeral should go. I'm very thankful for every one's support during this shitty time! We are all just taking it day by day and just being there for each other. We all helped to clean out his apartment and decide what to do with all of his things....jeepers did he have a lot!!! We each took some "memories" but there were still ALOT of toys left over. After plenty of phone calls, I was finally able to find out that the Salvation Army would take them as donations even though they weren't packaged. We bagged up 50 individual Star Wars Lego sets, Bionical & Zoid sets (robotic/motorized building sets) that still had the instruction booklets AND we had two gigantic Rubbermaid tubs that were full of Transformers, model cars, and other toys! I'm glad we were able to find someone to take them, because we would have had no idea what to do with them. We turned in the keys for his apartment just last week, reminding us that it really happened! It still doesn't seem real sometimes.

I decorated my apartment a little bit this year. I hung lights in my windows and put some decorations in them. But I'm most excited for my christmas tree! It's a little 4 foot RED tree!! We put green and black bulbs on with a silver "ball" type garland. And I found a red and black tree skirt that is actually 52" but I folded it in half and bunched it up so it's really adorable! It's now Shop Kitty's favorite spot to sleep cuz the heat comes from under our DVD stand and makes it nice and warm.

I've been busy getting my Christmas shopping done! I'm taking a break from wrapping presents now! Derek and I picked out Isabella's and Aiden's presents just the other day! I think they are adorable, but can't say what they are cuz that'd ruin the fun! I think Ali and Farnum made a killing this year. We always say we're gonna not spend that much on them and then I end up buying them more cuz I think of other things I wanted to get them...after I've already bought them stuff!! Oh well, it's just part of my nature...I LOVE giving people gifts and seeing how happy they are or surprised that I remembered what they wanted!

I was going to make Aiden's birthday cake for his 2nd birthday, which will be Spongebob themed! But time and weather were not on my side at all! So that sucks, but maybe I can make one for him later on. And I am crossing my fingers and keeping Aiden, April, and Kevin in my thoughts for Aiden's surgery and tests! I know it must be scary and worry some for you guys; I know I'd be freaking out!! And I also know that nothing anyone can say will make it better or help you to forget that this is going on, but I'll say it anyway..."everything is going to be alright!!!" Love ya all and don't hesitate to call if you need anything! I mean it!!!

We've been on a big movie kick lately. We saw Twilight-was better that I thought it'd be, Four Christmases-which was really adorable, The Day the Earth Stood Still-was alright...mmm, Keanu Reeves!!! And last night we saw Yes Man. I was a bit worried since I'd seen a review in the paper that said Jim Carrey should have said "NO-MAN" to the script. But I really liked it! There were quite a few of laugh-out-loud moments and I really like his co-star Zooey Deschanel, she is my new favorite actress. And she had a really "sweet" coat in the film that's black with red piping/stitching. I really want one like it...for real!! The media has been reporting that movie ticket sales have increased like crazy in the last few months, mainly because people are using them as an escape to the reality of all this poor economic shit...and I think they are right! It may seem like a minor thing, but you pay $25 for a couple to hide in a theater for a couple of hours and forget about everything else that's going on in the world and with your own really does seem to boost your moral!! Plus the popcorn is always a bonus!! But it never fails that you get that fucking obnoxious asshole sitting 2 rows behind you that thinks every little funny moment deserves an annoyingly loud laugh and feels the need to repeat quotable lines that you know will end up on tshirts in a month or so!! Fuckers!!

Anywho...I better get back to wrapping presents. "That's All Folks!!!"