Sunday, June 8, 2008

I'm not dead...yet?!

I've been crazy busy lately!!! Work has been a freakin' zoo and I don't seem to have a lot of free time after work these days. I've got lots of posting to catch up on, but unfortunately, I'm not gonna do it right now. So you'll just have to wait for all our fun Devils Run pictures!!!

Good news!! Our computer is finally fixed! Kevin redid everything and then it had a bug, so he had to do it again after I brought it home. Then it was making a horrible racket when running and it was discovered that one of the fans in the brand new power supply was cracked. Amazingly enough, R&R Computers (run by freaky ass white trash people who scare the ever living shit out of me) actually exchanged the power supply for a new one and Derek put it in all by himself! So our computer is running quite smoothly now. I've had to install all of our extras and still need to get our previous computer "backup" from Kevin.

Enough for now, hopefully I'll get to posting some tomorrow. That is if I can get Derek off the computer? I'll probably have to fight him for it!

Ta Ta For Now!!


BoneDaddy said...

Wow, kudos to Derek!