Sunday, March 1, 2009


Don't know what to post, but I wanted to see something new when I went to my page!

We just got really wasted with Mama Sue, Wendy, Ryan, and Heather.....REALLY WASTED!!!

Wendy did GRRREAT!!! (Like Tony the Tiger) No puking for her...this time! Instead, she passed the torch to Heather May!! Poor thing. Puked in my bathroom and Wendy and I had to help her get to her room. That was a first for me, but I'm glad to help a sista! Hopefully she's okay tomorrow...she'd gotta work at 4pm.

I remember that one time ---- I played in the "I Suck Golf Tournament" and it was the first one they held after dark. We used glow in the dark golf balls and got really, really wasted while playing golf! It was awesome! And I took home the pickle award...for being the one who was the most wasted! I drank a whole bottle of Malibu, 2 or 3 Wine cooler or something similar, and tried to drink beer...but it was too disgusting and almost made me puke after 2 swallows!!

So there's my tangent...just wanted to see something new on here. Goin' to bed now....


BoneDaddy said...

I bet the title is actually the last sentence you tried typing, and the computer got so confused by your slurs and random giggles that it just put in the question marks for you.

April said...

haha... that would have been quite the sight to see! all three of you drunk!

April said...

um.. so with these days off, you didn't think that maybe you could use that time to POST PICTURES from this past weekend?!